Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hyperventilating in the Thrift Store

Normally I am not the type to get outwardly excited about anything, especially shopping. Calm, cool, and collected, that's me. But today I had one of those experiences in the thrift store that got me all sweaty, weak and shaky.

What could have done that to me?

Oh yeah.....a yellow New Dot on the thrift store shelf.

Good thing I was already down on my knees digging through the lowest shelf, because I got so shaky I might have fallen over. It seemed like slow motion as I reached over and grabbed it. And of course from that moment on I never let it go. I think I had a hand cramp from holding on to it.

As I carried it up to the register and I passed a lady carrying the Old Towne butter dish I had debated buying and put down (too expensive at $9.50). I imagined her jealous looks as I paid my $4 for my new prize. (Don't ask me about the crazy thrift store pricing; I'm not arguing one bit!)

So it made it home safe and sound, just needed a little BKF and magic eraser to clean up the scratches. It came out beautifully and now I just have to find a place of honor for it!


  1. I can't believe you found a new dot in good condition at a thrift store! Congratulations! I would have freaked out too!

  2. Thank goodness for BKF and Magic Eraser! You have it looking brand new. Congrats on a phenomenal find!

  3. I've never gotten lucky at my local thrift store- there are too many pickers where I live! Fabulous find!

  4. Yay! for you! We need stories like this to keep us enthused about being in the thrift store trenches sometimes.
